Represent a lenticular aspherical- atoric design intended for high values of negative Rx. It offers an optical precision and high resolution to the customer. In addition. he has a significantly thinner peripheral thickness and wide field of view.
Design features:
Avalable materials:
Index: 1,600Teza: 1,30 g/cm3ABBE: 42,5UV: 400 nm
Thinned a higher index organic lens, excellent optical features, good for tinting. Designed for higher diopters value correction. It offers good UV protection. Because of its consistency and hardness is also intended for rimless and glasses with cord, but it is not unbreakable. Due to its excellent optical and aesthetic predisposition, it is usually the optimal choice for sports and sun glasses and glasses with a high degree of horizontal curvature of the frame. With the latest technology they can be perfectly tinted.
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-15,50/+13,00 | -12,00/+11,00 | -9,00/+6,00 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,60Teza: 1,23 g/cm3ABBE: 41UV: 400 nm
Thinned a higher index organic lens, excellent optical features, good for tinting. Designed for higher diopters value correction. It offers good UV protection. Because of its consistency and hardness is also intended for rimless and glasses with cord, but it is not unbreakable. Due to its excellent optical and aesthetic predisposition, it is usually the optimal choice for sports and sun glasses and glasses with a high degree of horizontal curvature of the frame. With the latest technology they can be perfectly tinted.
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-8,50/+8,75 | -8,25/+8,50 | -5,00/+4,00 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,600Teza: 1,30 g/cm3ABBE: 42UV: 400 nm
Thinned photosensitive organic lens of the most advanced generation. Dark quickly and evenly over entire surface(80%*). It is completely transparent indoors. It offers complete UVA and UVB protection. Protects against unpleasant glare.
Available in gray and brown.
(*degree of darkening depends on light and temperature conditions)
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-15,00/+10,00 | -13,00/+10,00 | / |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,60Teza: 1,30 g/cm3ABBE: 42UV: 400 nm
Thinned photosensitive organic lens of the most advanced generation. Dark quickly and evenly over entire surface(80%*). It is completely transparent indoors. It offers complete UVA and UVB protection. Protects against unpleasant glare.
Available in gray and brown.
(*degree of darkening depends on light and temperature conditions)
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-9,25/+8,00 | -8,75/+8,00 | -8,50/+7,50 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,600Teza: 1,30 g/cm3ABBE: 42UV: 400 nm
Thinned organic polarized organic lenses that eliminate glare from horizontal surfaces and prevents from unpleasant glare. It offers 100% UV protection. It enables precise identification of colours and sharper and therefore more comfortable viewing. Suitable for all outdoors activities( sailing, fishing, winter sports activities...).
Available in gray and brown.
Fitting: usehorizontallabeltofitlensesinsunglasses.
Ordering: make sure to include axis cylinder with cylindrical lenses.
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-14,50/+11,50 | -14,00/+11,50 | -11,50/+10,50 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,60Teza: 1,30 g/cm3ABBE: 42,5UV: 405 nm
UV420 leča s filtrom za UV in modro svetlobo, transparentna in estetska.
Stanjšana organska leča višjega indeksa, odličnih optičnih lastnosti in dobro barvljiva. Primerna za korekcijo večjih dioptrijskih vrednosti. Nudi dobro zaščito pred UV in modro svetlobo. Zaradi svoje konsistentnosti oz. trdnosti je primerna tudi za očala na vijake in laks, vendar ni nelomljiva. Zavoljo svojih odličnih estetskih in optičnih predispozicij pa je največkrat optimalna izbira za športna in sončna očala oz. očala z visoko stopnjo horizontalne ukrivljenosti okvirja. Z najnovejšimi postopki jo je mogoče odlično barvati.
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-12,75/+10,00 | -12,25/+10,00 | -9,50/+7,0 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,670Teza: 1,35 g/cm3ABBE: 32UV: 380 nm
Extremely thin organic high index lens, excellent optical features and easy to tint. ItoffersgoodUVprotection.
Because of the technical characteristics and aesthetic predispositions it is intended for the correction of high Rx values.
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-16,00/+14,00 | -12,00/+12,00 | -11,00/+7,00 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,670Teza: 1,35 g/cm3ABBE: 32UV: 400 nm
Extremely thin photosensitive organic lens of the most advanced generation. Darkens quickly and evenly over entire surface(80%*). It is completely transparent indoors. It offers complete UVA and UVB protection. Protects against unpleasant glare.
Available in gray and brown.
(*degree of darkening depends on light and temperature conditions)
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-13,00/+9,00 | -12,00/+8,00 | -10,00/ |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,67Teza: 1,35 g/cm3ABBE: 32UV: 400 nm
Najtemnejša stanjšana fotoobčutljiva Transitions leča za vsakodnevno uporabo. Temni hitro in enakomerno po celotni površini (90%*). Rahlo potemnjena tudi v zaprtih prostorih (15%). Dobro potemni tudi v vozilu (do 50%). Nudi popolno UVA in UVB zaščito. Ščiti pred neprijetnim bleščanjem.
Na voljo v sivi in rjavi barv
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-12,00/+8,75 | -12,00/+8,75 | -11,50/+7,00 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,67Teza: 1,35 g/cm3ABBE: 32UV: 400 nm
Stanjšana polarizirana organska leča, ki eliminira odseve od vodoravnih površin in preprečuje neprijetno bleščanje. Nudi 100% UV zaščito. Omogoča natančnejšo in ostrejšo zaznavo barv ter s tem večje udobje gledanja. Primerna za vse aktivnosti na prostem (jadranje, ribolov, zimske športe...).
Na voljo v sivi, rjavi in G15 zeleni barvi.
Vgradnja: leče vgradimo v očala po vodoravnih oznakah (po osi 0-180°).Naročanje: pri cilindričnih lečah vselej navedite tudi os cilindra.Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-11,50/+8,00 | -11,25/+7,75 | -11,00/+7,50 |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,738Teza: 1,47 g/cm3ABBE: 33UV: 390 nm
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-15,00/+10,00 | -14,00/+9,00 | / |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
Index: 1,738Teza: 1,47 g/cm3ABBE: 33UV: 390 nm
The thinnest photosensitive organic lens from Transitions VI group. Dark quickly and evenly over entire surface(80%*). It is completely transparent indoors. It offers complete UVA and UVB protection. Protects against unpleasant glare. Available in gray and brown.
(*degree of darkening depends on light and temperature condition)
Φ65 | Φ70 | Φ75 |
-15,00/+10,00 | -14,00/+9,00 | / |
HC | TOPcoat | IONcoat |
AsToric Lenti ,an optimal solution for a refined aesthetic correction of myopia!
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