Standard Tints

Tinted lenses combine functionality with aesthetic appeal, offering tailored solutions for a variety of visual needs and personal preferences. They effectively reduce glare, enhance contrast, and improve color perception, as well as UV protection.

Standard Tints


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4, 3, 2, 1, 0
4, 3, 2, 1, 0
4, 3, 2, 1, 0
More Options

For unique lens preferences or specialized requirements, consider our gradual options or custom sample matching. We welcome any challenge to develop truly one-of-a-kind solutions—feel free to contact us anytime!

Web Order Entry

LensWare Web Order Entry is a cutting-edge platform that streamlines communication between opticians and our production team. It offers real-time order tracking, lens thickness visualization, and precise shape import, enabling us to provide tailor-made solutions quickly and accurately, ensuring a smooth ordering experience from start to finish.
Sign in to place your order or get in touch with us for more details.

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